About Us

The Orchestra is drawn from folk enthusiasts and folkus workshop participants based in the North West of England and rehearses once a month.

The group has members from a range of musical backgrounds and with experience ranging from relative beginners through to experienced and professional musicians. Some members read music, some play by ear and we are lucky enough to have musicians, singers and dancers as part of the group.

Due to our size we are in effect an Orchestra and work towards structured arrangements that use the many sounds we are able to create. However we are also folk musicians and so do not start with a structured and arranged piece of music – the arrangement grows out of ideas we create and try in our rehearsals.

We are generally oversubscribed but if you are interested in joining us please contact folkus; we can squeeze people in sometimes and would be particularly pleased to hear from singers as we’re currently developing our choir and exploring how to incorporate this in instrumental pieces.

To contact us:
