Hi Everyone

Just a reminder that we have a rehearsal on Sunday.

We look set to join the Alan Bell Band on Sunday 26th August weather permitting and will have a rehearsal in August to do final preparations so we’ll be running through current material on Sunday to polish it ready for August.

We will also be joining Kadenza for a joint Christmas concert in Horwich with tickets on sale and the proceeds going to charity. I’ve got a provisional date of Friday 7th December and will confirm once its definite. Kadenza are a ladies choir who will sing a variety of seasonal accapella songs including some carols.

I’d like us to have a few seasonal pieces we can mix with our current repertoire so we’ll start looking at new material in September. If you have any favourites now is the time to make requests – I’m thinking of a couple of well known songs/tunes plus 1 or 2 traditional carols (probably one of the more unusal ‘while shepherds watched’). At the moment my head is running once in royal david’s city with a fiddle,cello and squeezebox backing, but last week it was playing me the coventry carol with a similar backing – shout quickly if you have alternatives you’d like us to look at.

We will be joined on the evening by a lady who teaches European circle dances and would like us to play so that the audience can enjoy dancing to live music – one of her dances will fit to ‘winter wonderland’ so this will be one of the new pieces in September.

See you all soon, Jenny

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